Tries With Strings
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Tries With Strings
Problem Statement
Strings are fundamental in programming, and optimizing operations on them is crucial. One powerful data structure for string-related problems is the Trie
, a tree-like structure that excels in storing and searching for strings efficiently. In this blog, we'll delve into the implementation of Tries for string problems using Java, Python, and C++.
Trie, short for retrieval tree or digital tree, is a tree-like data structure that is used to store a dynamic set or associative array where keys are strings. Tries are particularly useful for string-related problems, providing efficient solutions for tasks like searching for a word in a dictionary, autocomplete suggestions, and more.
Tries consist of nodes, where each node represents a character in a string. The path from the root to a particular node forms the string represented by that node. Each node may have multiple children, each associated with a unique character. Tries excel in string-related problems due to their ability to provide fast lookups and insertions.
Let's dive into the implementation of Tries in Java, Python, and C++.
Java Implementation
/* Copyrights to
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//Space complexity: O(total characters * average length of words)
//Time complexity
// Insertion: O(n); n is the length of the word.
// Search: O(n)
import java.util.Scanner;
public class VSDTriesWithStrings{
public static class VSDTrieNode{
VSDTrieNode []tnodes;//Array of tries node
int DIGITS = 26;
char character;//Actual character
//Default constructor
this.tnodes=new VSDTrieNode[DIGITS];
for(int i=0;i<DIGITS;i++)
tnodes[i] = null;
//List of strings to be inserted into trie
public static String[] stringList;
//Root node of trie
public static VSDTrieNode rootNode=new VSDTrieNode();
//String variable to store search string
public static String searchstring="";
//Method to insert strings into the trie
public static void VSDInsertNode(VSDTrieNode rootNode, int i,int j){
//getting index to store the character
int index = stringList[i].charAt(j)-'a';
//Checking for the appropriate position to inserrt character
if(rootNode.tnodes[index] == null) {
rootNode.tnodes[(int) index] = new VSDTrieNode();
rootNode.tnodes[(int) index].character = stringList[i].charAt(j);
if(j+1<stringList[i].length()) {
rootNode = rootNode.tnodes[(int)index];
//For characters already present, traversing the trie until mismatch of character is found
else {
if(j+1<stringList[i].length()) {
rootNode = rootNode.tnodes[(int)index];
//Method to find wheather a string is present in trie
public static String VSDSearchTrieRecursive(VSDTrieNode node, String s, int j){
int index = s.charAt(j)-'a';
return searchstring;
else if(node.tnodes[index].character!='\0')
searchstring+= node.tnodes[index].character;
if(j+1<s.length()) {
VSDSearchTrieRecursive(node.tnodes[index],s, j+1);
return searchstring;
public static void main(String args[]) {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
// Input the number of strings in the list
// System.out.print("Enter the number of strings: ");
int n = scanner.nextInt();
scanner.nextLine(); // Consume newline
// Create an array to store the strings
String[] stringList = new String[n];
// Input each string from the user
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
stringList[i] = scanner.nextLine();
//Inserting strings into the trie
for(int i = 0;i<stringList.length;i++)
String searchkey = scanner.nextLine();
String searchres=VSDSearchTrieRecursive(rootNode,searchkey,0);
System.out.println("Key found");
System.out.println("Key not found");
Python Implementation
""" Copyrights to
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# Space complexity: O(total characters * average length of words)
# Time complexity
# Insertion: O(n); n is the length of the word.
# Search: O(n)
class VSDTrieNode:
def __init__(self):
self.tnodes = [None] * 26
self.character = '\0'
def VSDInsertNode(rootNode, i, j):
index = ord(stringList[i][j]) - ord('a')
if rootNode.tnodes[index] is None:
rootNode.tnodes[index] = VSDTrieNode()
rootNode.tnodes[index].character = stringList[i][j]
if j + 1 < len(stringList[i]):
rootNode = rootNode.tnodes[index]
VSDInsertNode(rootNode, i, j + 1)
if j + 1 < len(stringList[i]):
rootNode = rootNode.tnodes[index]
VSDInsertNode(rootNode, i, j + 1)
def VSDSearchTrieRecursive(node, s, j):
index = ord(s[j]) - ord('a')
if node.tnodes[index] is None:
return ""
elif node.tnodes[index].character != '\0':
searchstring = node.tnodes[index].character
if j + 1 < len(s):
return searchstring + VSDSearchTrieRecursive(node.tnodes[index], s, j + 1)
return searchstring
return ""
n = int(input())
# Initialize an empty list to store the strings
stringList = []
# Input each string from the user
for i in range(n):
string = input()
rootNode = VSDTrieNode()
for i in range(len(stringList)):
VSDInsertNode(rootNode, i, 0)
searchkey = input()
searchres = VSDSearchTrieRecursive(rootNode, searchkey, 0)
if searchkey == searchres:
print("Key found")
print("Key not found")
C++ Implementation
/* Copyrights to
For more information, visit */
//Space complexity: O(total characters * average length of words)
//Time complexity
// Insertion: O(n); n is the length of the word.
// Search: O(n)
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <vector>
class VSDTrieNode {
VSDTrieNode* tnodes[26];
char character;
VSDTrieNode() : character('\0') {
std::memset(tnodes, 0, sizeof(tnodes));
// Pass the stringList as a parameter
void VSDInsertNode(VSDTrieNode* rootNode, const std::vector<std::string>& stringList, int i, int j) {
int index = stringList[i][j] - 'a';
if (rootNode->tnodes[index] == nullptr) {
rootNode->tnodes[index] = new VSDTrieNode();
rootNode->tnodes[index]->character = stringList[i][j];
if (j + 1 < stringList[i].length()) {
rootNode = rootNode->tnodes[index];
VSDInsertNode(rootNode, stringList, i, j + 1);
} else {
if (j + 1 < stringList[i].length()) {
rootNode = rootNode->tnodes[index];
VSDInsertNode(rootNode, stringList, i, j + 1);
std::string VSDSearchTrieRecursive(VSDTrieNode* node, const std::string& s, int j) {
int index = s[j] - 'a';
if (node->tnodes[index] == nullptr) {
return ""; // Return an empty string when the node is not found
} else if (node->tnodes[index]->character != '\0') {
std::string searchstring = "";
searchstring += node->tnodes[index]->character;
if (j + 1 < s.length()) {
return searchstring + VSDSearchTrieRecursive(node->tnodes[index], s, j + 1);
} else {
return searchstring;
} else {
return "";
int main() {
// Initialize stringList as a vector of strings
int n;
// std::cout << "Enter the number of strings: ";
std::cin >> n;
std::cin.ignore(); // Ignore the newline character
// Initialize an empty vector to store the strings
std::vector<std::string> stringList;
// Input each string from the user
std::string str;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
// std::cout << "Enter string #" << (i + 1) << ": ";
std::getline(std::cin, str);
VSDTrieNode* rootNode = new VSDTrieNode();
for (int i = 0; i < stringList.size(); i++) {
VSDInsertNode(rootNode, stringList, i, 0);
std::string searchkey;
std::cin >> searchkey;
std::string searchstring = "";
std::string searchres = VSDSearchTrieRecursive(rootNode, searchkey, 0);
if (searchkey == searchres) {
std::cout << "Key found" << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "Key not found" << std::endl;
return 0;
Step-by-Step Explanation
Here's a step-by-step explanation that is generally applicable to C++, Java, and Python:
Trie Node Definition
Class Definition: The code defines a class named
to represent a node in the Trie. -
Member Variables:
: An array of Trie nodes, representing the children of the current node.DIGITS
: The number of possible characters (assuming lowercase English letters, set to 26).character
: The actual character stored in the node.
Constructor: Initializes the Trie node with an array of null children nodes and a null character.
Trie Implementation
- Trie Operations:
Insertion (
):- For each character in a given string, it calculates the index based on the character's ASCII value.
- If the node at that index is null, a new node is created, and the character is stored.
- Recursively continues the insertion process for the next character.
Search (
):- Searches for a given string in the Trie recursively.
- Builds the search string character by character as it traverses the Trie.
- Returns the search string when the search is complete or if the string is not found.
Trie Initialization and Usage
- An array
contains a list of strings to be inserted into the Trie. - The root node of the Trie is initialized as
- An array
Insertion of Strings:
- The main method iterates over the
and inserts each string into the Trie usingVSDInsertNode
- The main method iterates over the
Search Operation:
- The code searches for a specific key (e.g., "apple") in the Trie using
. - If the key is found, it prints "Key found"; otherwise, it prints "Key not found."
- The code searches for a specific key (e.g., "apple") in the Trie using
- The Trie is built based on the strings provided in
. - The search operation uses recursion to traverse the Trie and build the search string.
Time and Space Complexity Analysis
Time Complexity:
- Insertion: O(n), where n is the length of the word.
- Search: O(n), where n is the length of the target word.
Space Complexity:
- O(total characters * average length of words) for storing the Trie.
Real-World Applications
Tries find applications in various scenarios:
Spell Checkers: Efficiently check if a given word is correctly spelled.
Auto-Complete Systems: Provide quick suggestions based on the prefix entered by the user.
IP Routing: Tries are used to store IP addresses for efficient routing lookups.
Phone Book Search: Facilitate quick search operations for contact names.
Tries, with their efficient structure for string-related operations, play a vital role in optimizing algorithms and solving real-world problems. Incorporating them into your programming toolkit can greatly enhance your ability to handle string-related challenges effectively.
Test Cases
Input: 5 apple app amazon laptop azure applet Search Key: app Output: Key Found
- We input 5 strings: "apple", "app", "amazon", "laptop", and "azure".
- The search key is "app".
- The code constructs a trie from the input strings.
- Then, it searches for the search key "app" in the trie.
- Since "app" is a prefix of "apple" and "applet", the search result is "app".
- Thus, the output is "Key found".
Input: 6 apple banana orange grape melon mango Search Key: man Output: Key not found
- We input 6 strings: "apple", "banana", "orange", "grape", "melon", and "mango".
- The search key is "man".
- The code constructs a trie from the input strings.
- Then, it searches for the search key "man" in the trie.
- Since "man" is not a prefix of any string in the trie, the search result is an empty string.
- Thus, the output is "Key not found".