Exploring Tries : TriesAutoCompleteStrings

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Exploring Tries : TriesAutoCompleteStrings

Exploring Tries : TriesAutoCompleteStrings

Today, we dive into the fascinating world of Tries and uncover one of their most captivating mysteries . Get ready to embark on an adventure that will challenge your mind and leave you with newfound insights into Tries!

Introduction of Tries

Trie, also known as a prefix tree or digital tree, is a tree-like data structure used to store and manage a dynamic set of strings. The word "Trie" comes from the word "retrieval," reflecting its main application in efficiently retrieving a set of strings with common prefixes. Tries are particularly useful in tasks involving dictionaries, spell-checking, IP routing tables, and auto-completion systems.

  • A Trie is a tree-like data structure where each node represents a single character of a string.
  • The root node represents the empty string, and each edge from a node to its children corresponds to one character.

Tries Auto Complete String

Trie-based string auto-completion is a powerful technique used to efficiently suggest and complete words or phrases based on a partial input. This concept is particularly useful in applications like search engines, text editors, and predictive text systems on mobile devices.

  • Auto-completion involves predicting and suggesting possible completions for a partial input string.
  • Trie-based auto-completion leverages the Trie's ability to represent the structure of words and their common prefixes.
  • During Trie construction, words are inserted into the structure by adding nodes for each character in the word.
  • Common prefixes are shared among words, resulting in a compact representation of the vocabulary.
  • To perform auto-completion, the Trie is traversed based on the characters in the partial input.
  • The traversal continues until the Trie reaches a node representing the last character of the partial input.

Overview of Tries

Nodes in a Trie contain links to their children, typically organized as an array or a map based on the characters.

  • Paths from the root to the leaves of the Trie represent complete words or strings.
  • Traversing a path from the root to a node forms a string by concatenating the characters along the edges.
  • Tries efficiently handle prefixes, as common prefixes share nodes in the tree, reducing redundancy and improving space efficiency.
  • Inserting a string into a Trie involves traversing the tree from the root, creating nodes as needed for each character in the string.
  • Searching for a string in a Trie involves traversing the tree along the characters of the string.
  • If the search reaches a node representing the last character of a string and that node is marked as the end of a word, the search is successful.


class VSDTrieNode:
    def __init__(self):
        self.tnodes = [None] * 26
        self.character = '\0'
        self.end_of_word = False

def vsd_insert_node(root_node, string_list, i, j):
    index = ord(string_list[i][j]) - ord('a')

    if root_node.tnodes[index] is None:
        root_node.tnodes[index] = VSDTrieNode()
        root_node.tnodes[index].character = string_list[i][j]

        if j + 1 < len(string_list[i]):
            root_node = root_node.tnodes[index]
            vsd_insert_node(root_node, string_list, i, j + 1)

        if j + 1 == len(string_list[i]):
            root_node.tnodes[index].end_of_word = True
        if j + 1 < len(string_list[i]):
            root_node = root_node.tnodes[index]
            vsd_insert_node(root_node, string_list, i, j + 1)

        if j + 1 == len(string_list[i]):
            root_node.tnodes[index].end_of_word = True

def vsd_match_string(root_node, s, i):
    if i >= len(s):
        vsd_auto_complete(root_node, s)
        c = s[i]
        index = ord(c) - ord('a')
        if root_node.tnodes[index] is None:
            print("no strings matched")
        elif root_node.tnodes[index].character == c:
            vsd_match_string(root_node.tnodes[index], s, i + 1)

def vsd_auto_complete(node, s):
    for i in range(25):
        if i != 0 and node.tnodes[i - 1] is not None:
            temp = ""
            for k in range(len(s) - 1):
                temp += s[k]
            s = temp

        if node.tnodes[i] is not None:
            s += node.tnodes[i].character
            if node.tnodes[i].end_of_word:
            vsd_auto_complete(node.tnodes[i], s)

def main():
    string_list = string_list_input.split()
    root_node = VSDTrieNode()

    for i in range(len(string_list)):
        vsd_insert_node(root_node, string_list, i, 0)

    vsd_match_string(root_node, "ab", 0)

if __name__ == "__main__":


1. VSDTrieNode Class:

  • This class represents a node in the Trie.
  • tnodes : An array of 26 elements, representing child nodes for each lowercase letter of the English alphabet.
  • character : The character associated with the current node.
  • end_of_word : A boolean flag indicating whether the current node represents the end of a word.

2. vsd_insert_node Function:

  • This function inserts a string into the Trie.
  • It takes the root node of the Trie, the list of strings (string_list), and indices i and j as parameters.
  • It calculates the index of the current character in the Trie using ASCII values.
  • If the corresponding child node is None, a new node is created, and the character is set.
  • The function recursively continues insertion for the next character until the end of the string is reached.

3. vsd_match_string Function:

  • This function searches for a string in the Trie based on a partial input.
  • It takes the root node of the Trie, the input string (s), and index i as parameters.
  • If the end of the input string is reached, it calls vsd_auto_complete to perform auto-completion.
  • Otherwise, it recursively searches for the next character in the Trie.

4. vsd_auto_complete Function:

  • This function performs auto-completion, printing all possible completions for the given partial input.
  • It takes a node in the Trie (node) and the current string ( s ) as parameters.
  • It uses a loop to iterate through the child nodes of the current node.
  • It recursively performs auto-completion for each child node, updating the current string accordingly.

5. main Function:

 The **`main`** function initializes a list of strings (**`string_list`**) and the root node of the Trie.
  • It inserts each string into the Trie using the vsd_insert_node function.
  • Finally, it calls the vsd_match_string function to search for and perform auto-completion on the input string "ab".
import java.util.Scanner;
public class VSDTriesAutoCompleteStrings {
	//Class to store the structure of trie
	public static class VSDTrieNode{
		VSDTrieNode []tnodes;//Array of tries node
		int DIGITS = 26;
		char character;//Actual character
		boolean endofWord;//Boolean flag to mark the end of word
		//Default constructor
			this.tnodes=new VSDTrieNode[DIGITS];
			for(int i=0;i<DIGITS;i++)
				tnodes[i] = null;
	//List of strings to be inserted into trie
	public static String[] stringList;
	//Root node of trie
	public static VSDTrieNode rootNode=new VSDTrieNode(); 
	//Method to insert strings into the trie
	public static void VSDInsertNode(VSDTrieNode rootNode, int i,int j)

	{	//getting index to store the character 
		int index = stringList[i].charAt(j)-'a';
		//Checking for the appropriate position to inserrt character
		if(rootNode.tnodes[index] == null) {
			rootNode.tnodes[(int) index] = new VSDTrieNode();
			rootNode.tnodes[(int) index].character = stringList[i].charAt(j);
			if(j+1<stringList[i].length()) {
				rootNode = rootNode.tnodes[(int)index];
			//When the end of string is reached, marking the node with end of word
			if(j+1==stringList[i].length()) {
		//For characters already present, traversing the trie until mismatch of character is found
		else {
			if(j+1<stringList[i].length()) {
				rootNode = rootNode.tnodes[(int)index];
			//When the end of string is reached, marking the node with end of word
			if(j+1==stringList[i].length()) {
//Method to check whether the given character string pattern is present in the trie	
public static void VSDMatchString(VSDTrieNode rootNode,String s, int i) {
	if(i>=s.length()) {
	else {
	char c= s.charAt(i);
	int index=c-'a';
	System.out.println("no strings matched");
	else if(rootNode.tnodes[index].character==c) 
//Method to find strings presnt in the trie that completes given string
public static void VSDAutoComplete(VSDTrieNode node,String s) {
	for(int i=0;i<25;i++) {
		if(i!=0 &&node.tnodes[i-1]!=null) {
			String temp="";
			for(int k=0;k<s.length()-1;k++) {
		if(node.tnodes[i]!=null) {

public static void main(String args[]) {
	// Create a Scanner object to read input from the user
        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);

        // Prompt the user to enter the list of strings
        // System.out.println("Enter the list of strings separated by space:");
        String stringListInput = scanner.nextLine();

        // Split the input string by space to get individual strings
        String[] stringList = stringListInput.split(" ");

        // Close the scanner
		//Inserting strings into the trie
		for(int i = 0;i<stringList.length;i++)


1. VSDTrieNode Class:

  • This class represents a node in the Trie.
  • It contains an array of 26 elements, tnodes , representing child nodes for each lowercase letter of the English alphabet.
  • character stores the character associated with the current node.
  • endofWord is a boolean flag indicating whether the current node represents the end of a word.

2. VSDInsertNode Method:

  • This method inserts a string into the Trie.
  • It takes the root node of the Trie ( rootNode ), and indices i and j.
  • It calculates the index of the current character in the Trie.
  • If the corresponding child node is null , a new node is created, and the character is set.
  • The method recursively continues insertion for the next character until the end of the string is reached.

3. VSDMatchString Method:

  • This method searches for a string in the Trie based on a partial input.
  • It takes the root node of the Trie ( rootNode ), the input string ( s ), and index i.
  • If the end of the input string is reached, it calls VSDAutoComplete to perform auto-completion.
  • Otherwise, it recursively searches for the next character in the Trie.

4. VSDAutoComplete Method:

  • This method performs auto-completion, printing all possible completions for the given partial input.
  • It takes a node in the Trie ( node ) and the current string (s).
  • It uses a loop to iterate through the child nodes of the current node.
  • It recursively performs auto-completion for each child node, updating the current string accordingly.

5. main Method:

  • The main method initializes a list of strings ( stringList ) and the root node of the Trie.
  • It inserts each string into the Trie using the VSDInsertCode method.
  • Finally, it calls the VSDMatchString method to search for and perform auto-completion on the input string "ab".

Time and Space Complexities

Time Complexity:

  1. Insertion (vsd_insert_node):
    • In the worst case, each character of each string needs to be inserted into the Trie.
    • For each character insertion, the code traverses the Trie and creates a new node if necessary.
    • The time complexity for inserting a single string is O(m), where m is the length of the string.
    • For n strings, the overall time complexity of insertion is O(n * m).
  2. Search (vsd_match_string):
    • The search function traverses the Trie based on the input string.
    • In the worst case, it might traverse the entire Trie for each character of the input string.
    • The time complexity for the search operation is O(m), where m is the length of the input string.
  3. Auto-Complete (vsd_auto_complete):
    • The auto-complete function performs a depth-first traversal of the Trie, visiting each node.
    • The time complexity is proportional to the number of nodes in the Trie.
    • In the worst case, it is O(N), where N is the total number of nodes in the Trie.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

class VSDTrieNode {
    VSDTrieNode() {
        tnodes = vector<VSDTrieNode*>(26, nullptr);
        character = '\0';
        end_of_word = false;

    vector<VSDTrieNode*> tnodes;
    char character;
    bool end_of_word;

void vsdInsertNode(VSDTrieNode* rootNode, const vector<string>& stringList, int i, int j) {
    int index = stringList[i][j] - 'a';

    if (rootNode->tnodes[index] == nullptr) {
        rootNode->tnodes[index] = new VSDTrieNode();
        rootNode->tnodes[index]->character = stringList[i][j];

        if (j + 1 < stringList[i].length()) {
            rootNode = rootNode->tnodes[index];
            vsdInsertNode(rootNode, stringList, i, j + 1);

        if (j + 1 == stringList[i].length()) {
            rootNode->tnodes[index]->end_of_word = true;
    } else {
        if (j + 1 < stringList[i].length()) {
            rootNode = rootNode->tnodes[index];
            vsdInsertNode(rootNode, stringList, i, j + 1);

        if (j + 1 == stringList[i].length()) {
            rootNode->tnodes[index]->end_of_word = true;

void vsdMatchString(VSDTrieNode* rootNode, const string& s, int i) {
    if (i >= s.length()) {
        cout << "Matched strings: ";
        vsdAutoComplete(rootNode, s);
    } else {
        char c = s[i];
        int index = c - 'a';
        if (rootNode->tnodes[index] == nullptr) {
            cout << "No strings matched" << endl;
        } else if (rootNode->tnodes[index]->character == c) {
            vsdMatchString(rootNode->tnodes[index], s, i + 1);

void vsdAutoComplete(VSDTrieNode* node, string& s) {
    for (int i = 0; i < 26; ++i) {
        if (i != 0 && node->tnodes[i - 1] != nullptr) {
            string temp = "";
            for (int k = 0; k < s.length() - 1; ++k) {
                temp += s[k];
            s = temp;

        if (node->tnodes[i] != nullptr) {
            s += node->tnodes[i]->character;
            if (node->tnodes[i]->end_of_word) {
                cout << s << " ";
            vsdAutoComplete(node->tnodes[i], s);

int main() {
    string stringListInput;
    // cout << "Enter the list of strings separated by space: ";
    getline(cin, stringListInput);

    vector<string> stringList;
    string temp;
    for (char c : stringListInput) {
        if (c == ' ') {
            temp = "";
        } else {
            temp += c;

    VSDTrieNode* rootNode = new VSDTrieNode();

    for (int i = 0; i < stringList.size(); ++i) {
        vsdInsertNode(rootNode, stringList, i, 0);

    vsdMatchString(rootNode, "ab", 0);

    return 0;

Space Complexity:

  1. Trie Structure (VSDTrieNode):
    • The space complexity of the Trie structure is O(N), where N is the total number of nodes in the Trie.
    • Each node in the Trie requires constant space, and the total number of nodes is determined by the total number of characters in all inserted strings.
  2. Input Strings (string_list):
    • The space complexity to store the input strings is O(m * n), where m is the average length of the strings, and n is the number of strings.

Real World Applications

  1. Spell Checking:
    • Tries are commonly used in spell-checking algorithms to efficiently suggest corrections for misspelled words. The Trie allows for quick lookups and suggestions based on common prefixes.
  2. Auto-Completion:
    • Tries are extensively employed in auto-complete systems, such as those found in search engines, text editors, and mobile keyboards. They provide quick and relevant suggestions by efficiently navigating the Trie based on partial inputs.
  3. Dictionary Implementation:
    • Tries are used to implement dictionaries and word lists. Searching for words in a dictionary or verifying the existence of a word becomes efficient with Trie structures.
  4. IP Routing Tables:
    • Tries are employed in networking for the efficient storage and retrieval of IP addresses in routing tables. This ensures fast lookup of routes based on IP prefixes.
  5. Network Routing Protocols:
    • Trie structures are used in network protocols like OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) and BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) for efficient route information storage and retrieval.

Test Cases

Test Case 1:

Input: search seek seaked soak settle sea setting

Output: search seek seaked setting

Explanation: The user is prompted to enter a list of strings. The input strings are "search seek seaked soak settle sea setting". The program matches strings in the Trie with the prefix "ab". No strings match the prefix "ab", so "No strings matched" is printed. The program then prints all strings in the Trie that can be formed by extending the prefix "". The matched strings are "search", "seek", "seaked", and "setting".

Test Case 2:

Input: hello hell help helper hold

Output: help helper

Explanation: The user is prompted to enter a list of strings. The input strings are "hello hell help helper hold". The program matches strings in the Trie with the prefix "help". No strings match the prefix "help", so "No strings matched" is printed. The program then prints all strings in the Trie that can be formed by extending the prefix "help". The matched strings are "help" and "helper".