What is DevOps and What is role of a DevOps engineer?

  • Venky Karukuri
What is DevOps and What is role of a DevOps engineer?

Let us first understand the DevOps meaning. As the name suggests, DevOps is a developer and operations. What does the DevOps engineer do? Who is a developer?

He solves the problems. He takes the issues and solves them on paper. And then, he writes an algorithm, codes, validates, and writes documentation for it. Do you get it? That's the cycle of a developer.


Now, where does he do all those things? What does he need? He needs a machine where he needs a compiler, right? Where he needs a Github or other source controller. 

You get it, right? So you will understand it better as you practice more and more if I go here algorithms. So here is my team, and I have submitted codes. So this is the Knapsack problem.

It's a python code. Now you can access it. You need such a coding environment. It's only for code upload. And the test engineer or customer says this code has a bug.

So somebody has to raise a bug, right? So what is a bug-raising system? You should have a defect-tracking system. What is a defect tracking system? You have Bugzilla or Jira.

So there are open source and paid bug tracking systems. Okay? So you wrote your source code in an editor and submitted it to GitHub. Then you compile it for building.

The application must be uploaded to the portal and made available to customers.


If you are building it on the local machine (your laptop), you can’t avoid battery outages, application crashes, hardware faults, and many other challenges.

Hence you need reliable systems for all the development and release operations.

Where are the test cases? You need a test case system. QA engineer will log those test cases here and run them per cycle.


There is a process, right? You have to upload it into one system; then, the customer takes it and opens a defect. Then that comes to your defect tracking system.

Then that goes to your code, right? So to fix a fault, it goes into your code.

You must fix the code, then you must build it, and then again, you must test it, and add a new test case. If the test case had been there, this bug wouldn't have come.

Then publish the new code.


This is the cycle beside you solving a problem. There is an ecosystem around the SDLC process. That is called DevOps.


That is called DevOps. Who does all this is called DevOps Engineer. And to do this, you need to write a good amount of scripting and understand the SDLC process and several tools.