Course Description

The main objective of this course is to bridge the gap between the subjects studied at the pre-university level and those encountered during engineering studies. It aims to help students transition smoothly and gain confidence in their new curriculum.


Course Outcomes:


The course is designed to enhance participants' skills and boost their confidence by expanding their knowledge across various knowledge-centric areas.


Key outcomes for the students include:


  • Mastering Essential Computer skills
  • Learning Problem-Solving and Decision-Making
  • Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
  • Alignment with Industry Standards
  • Enhancing proficiency in modern computing environments
  • Helping the participants adapt to changing environments and demands, which is valuable both academically and professionally
  • Gaining Practical Experience with Hands-on Real-time projects

Enroll Today!

By the end of this course, you'll not only have the technical skills to master the concepts of bits and computing but also the analytical mindset needed to excel in problem-solving and software development.

Whether you're looking to deepen your understanding of computer science fundamentals or enhance your problem-solving skills, this course is your gateway to success. Join us on this transformative journey and unlock your full potential as a programmer!


Don't miss this opportunity! Click the "Enroll Today!" link above to start your journey with Bits and Brains now!

Course Curriculum

Weekly Schedule


 Week 1

Welcome and Orientation

Overview of Computer Science

Basic Programming concepts

Initiate Programming Languages

Your First Program

Week 2

Problem solving techniques

Basic Algorithm design and Analysis

Flowcharts and Pseudo code

Algorithmic Problem Solving Approach

Week 3

Introduction to Java

Control Structures

First Java Program

Art of Debugging

Week 4

Data Structures

Arrays and Lists

Stacks and Queues

Advanced Data structure implementation

Week 5

Algorithms in Depth

Searching Algorithms

Sorting Algorithms

Introduction to Recursion

Advanced Algorithm Application

Week 6

Principles of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

Inheritance and polymorphism

Encapsulation and Abstraction

Hands-on: Creating Classes and Objects in Java

Week 7

Basic Concepts of AI

Simple AI Algorithms

Hands-on: Implementing Basic AI Algorithms

Exploring AI Tools and Libraries

Project & Review

Choose hands-on real time Project

Review of All Topics Covered

Final Q&A Sessions

Career Guidance and Next Steps


Enroll Today!


Join us   on this enriching adventure towards becoming a proficient programmer! 

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